“I’ve always managed my weight…”
Kim Hyun-soo (36-LG) responded to former coach Kim Sung-geun’s column. In a recent column, Kim praised Kim’s hard work and initiative. “I’ve always managed my weight, but this winter I lost a lot of body fat. I think it’s a little obvious,” Kim said.
Kim went 3-for-4 with three doubles, two walks, four RBIs, and two runs scored against KT in Jamsil on July 7.
The LG offense exploded for 16 hits and 13 walks, including Kim’s performance, in a 16-7 victory over KT.
“I look a little thin this year, but I’ve always lost weight,” Kim Hyun-soo told the press after the game, “and I think I look especially thin this year because my performance last year was a little bad.” Kim Hyun-soo confessed, “There’s not much difference in my weight, but it’s true that I’ve lost a lot of body fat.”
Earlier, former coach Kim Sung-geun said in his column in , “The most impressive player after the start of the regular season is Kim Hyun-soo.” “When I saw him, I started thinking, ‘He’s really made a good body. He’s slimmer. His face is also slimmer, so he looks pretty. He’s also playing baseball very beautifully.”
“My back hurt a little bit last year, and I’ve been doing a lot of weight training since then,” Kim said, explaining the reason for his body fat loss.
Kim Hyun-soo has continued to hit well in the early part of the season. His three-hit day raised his batting average to .333. Until last year, most teams strongly used ‘shifts’ when Kim Hyun-soo batted, but this season, shifts were banned.
“Personally, I’m not a pull hitter, but I’ve been hitting a lot of balls in that direction lately,” Kim said, “I think it’s because I’m more psychologically comfortable. I can pull with confidence,” he said.
He changed his hitting point to get out of last season’s slump, and he put his right foot down a little earlier. In his column, former coach Kim Sung-geun said, “He has a good swing that creates an axis in the center of his body.
Kim Hyun-soo responded by saying, “I’m making a change to put my foot 메이저토토사이트 down a little faster,” adding, “I think it’s still a little late, but I’m making a lot of effort.”
Kim Hyun-soo said, “It’s true that the players are more focused,” referring to the “April total war” mentioned by coach Yoon Kyung-yup.
“I’m batting as the designated hitter, so it’s not for me to say,” Kim said with a laugh, but added, “Everyone is working hard. They’re focusing more like the manager said, and I think that’s why we’re winning games like this, because we’re not giving up.”
“I feel that our table setters (Park Hae-min and Hong Chang-ki) are the best,” he said of his four hits. I’m really grateful for that,” he said, adding, “I think the things that I try to do to hit balls in favorable counts are paying off.”
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